This collection features a variety of my VRChat avatar retextures, meticulously crafted using Adobe's Substance Painter. I specialize in painting the skin and textures of 3D modeled avatars, while the original sculpts are credited to their talented creators. This gallery highlights some of my unique and personalized retexture work, giving you a glimpse into my custom avatars. If you're curious about additional pieces or the creative process behind each retexture, feel free to reach out.
Customizing and personalizing digital art has always been a passion of mine, and Substance Painter is my preferred tool for bringing these avatars to life.

Here is a list of Substance Painter files I have access to and can work with:
- Julia Winterpaws Femme Canine
- Foxipaw’s Juniper
- Spaghet’s Leggy Hoofers and Roos
- Irix’s Taidum and Fluffy Dog (limited)
- Skip4d’s Chibi Avatar Base for Canine & Puppy
- Tosca’s Vernid
- Moopdrea’s Cat

If you're interested in having your own avatar retextured, please ensure you own the avatar. I’ve provided links to the respective Gumroad listings for the avatars I work with. While I can't upload the textures to VRChat for you or guide you through the process, there are plenty of tutorials available online. My technical knowledge may not always be up-to-date with the latest Unity and VRChat SDK updates, so please keep that in mind.